All You Ever Wanted To Know About Facial Waxing

How many memories do you have of walking in on your mom or grandma shaving their faces in the mirror? Despite their best efforts to eradicate their facial hair, it continued to grow (at the same rate and thickness albeit). The truth is that facial waxing is one of the most effective and comprehensive methods of facial hair removal to date.

Is facial waxing good for your skin?

While prone to a fair amount of old wives' tales, facial waxing is one of the most effective ways to exfoliate and nourish your skin. For this and many other reasons, facial waxing is an incredible and dynamic resource. As far as skin support is concerned, it offers your skin everything it’s likely lacking, no matter how devout you are with your skincare regimen.

Facial waxing is hugely popular among all types of people with varying skin goals

Your skincare goals have probably changed a handful of times throughout your life. At one point, maybe your goal was to diminish your pores and cover blemishes. Today, maybe it’s about perfecting the balance on a cellular level to have greater-looking skin on the outside. 

Facial waxing can benefit every single skin type at any stage in their skincare journey. If you’re hoping to develop hydrated, smoother skin, facial waxing is for you. And if you’re hoping to dive into regular exfoliation, unlock radiance, and be more consistent in your regimen, facial waxing is for you too! 

Is your waxed facial skin prone to hair growing back faster and thicker?

We’ve traversed a few myths over the years about skincare and of course, facial waxing is notorious for having a lot of hullabaloo attached to it. In fact, if you’ve ever heard that your hair growth and frequency change after getting waxed, you’re not alone. Facial waxing has a cavalcade of benefits, none of which include dealing with hair growing faster and thicker.

How long would a facial wax last?

You know that irritating feeling you get when you wake up on vacation 24 hours after shaving and it’s like everything grew back overnight? With facial waxing, you can kiss that experience goodbye! Everyone has a different hair growth cycle, so the time between waxes may be a little different for everyone. But in general, you can expect your facial wax to last from two to eight weeks. 

facial waxing

Why should I schedule a facial wax instead of trying it at home?

Your face is home to some of the most delicate, sensitive skin on your body. As such, it should be treated with immense care and attention to detail. And it is for this reason that you should always go to a professional esthetician with years of experience waxing your face. You run less of a risk of skin burning, skin pulling, and causing unnecessary stress to the skin.

Protect your skin while you nourish it

There are a few key things you can do to maximize the protection of your skin, starting and ending with SPF. In addition to your facial waxing appointment, consider checking in with your esthetician about the moisturizers and serums that might work well with your skin type.

Treating the face as a whole instead of individual problem areas

We’re living in the era of work, work, and more work– and creating time to take care of yourself is hard enough, let alone having to schedule multiple follow-ups when you don’t need to. Instead of going back and forth between appointments for brows, lips, sideburns, and chin, you can knock it all out at once with facial waxing.

Improve the texture of your skin and allow your skincare products to penetrate deeper 

While you get more consistent with facial waxing, you’ll notice the texture of your skin, blemishes, and other imperfections slowly shifting and eventually fading. Waxing is one of the best forms of exfoliation you might encounter, so soak it up and enjoy the smooth, silky skin it leaves you with.

Let Beauty and the Wax Suite gift your skin what it deserves through gentle facial waxing

Your skin has been through it all, and we know the feeling well. You don’t have to postpone your beautiful skin journey any longer. Let Beauty and the Wax Suite invite you into the world of radiance and endless support for your skin when it needs it most.


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